Goldilocks and the Three Hares || A Book Review

'Kay, peeps...I realize this may seem absurd, but I just had to recommend a children's book. I don't care if you get this for yourself under the guise of getting it for your younger siblings or what--YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK!!

I read it for the first time today, and I fell in love with let me tell you a few of my favorite things about it:

  • The author used every bit of the book--Front cover, back cover, and every single page that's in between. (you know how a lot of books have a few blank pages in the fronts and the backs of books? Ms. Petach just doesn't do that! And you know how a lot of books have the title page on the cover and at least once more on the first page of the book? She does this in such a hilarious way...but I'll leave that for you to read ☺)
  • This book was SO FUNNY (at least to of my older sisters didn't like it very much; however, one of my younger sisters did *shrug*) The author placed many, many puns in the book and wrote the book in such an artful way, utilizing the habits and conversations a hare family or mouse family might have in day-to-day life. This was delightful to read!
  • This was a rather redemptive book for Miss Goldi, now that I think about it...but again I won't spoil it for you!!
A few of my favorite characters:
  • Mother Hare--By the end of the book, it's assumed she burns meals regularly, which adds to the humor of the plot.
  • Grandpa Mouse--He's rather hard of hearing, which just adds to the puns the author can weave into the book.
  • The two weasels--their names & their ends...oh, you have to read it...
I think what I enjoyed the most was the plot twist on the workaday childhood story. This was aided greatly by all of the things I mentioned above, as well as many other things in the book.

My rating:

Blessings and Love,

Photo Credits: Google Images


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