Book Challenge 2017

My friend Julia shared this on her blog (thank you!), and as I had soon hoped to commence a search for a book challenge such as this, you can imagine my happiness when she asked if anyone would like to join her!

Reading Challenge for 2017
  1. A classic.
  2. A book with a main character whose name you really like.
  3. A trilogy.
  4. A biography about a person you respect/admire/want to learn more about.
  5. A book about or including a Biblical figure you admire.
  6. One of your favorite books in the Bible.
  7. A book over 400 pages long.
  8. A reread.
  9. A book set in your favorite time period.
  10. A history book.
  11. A book about a hobby or career you want to pursue.
  12. A book in your favorite genre.
  13. A book by an author you’ve never read any other works by.
  14. A book with a title you really like.
  15. A book a family member or friend chooses for you. (No options!)
  16. A book that you buy at the bookstore – one that you haven’t had on your TBR list and haven’t decided on buying (a.k.a. spontaneous purchase!).
  17. A book you’ve seen the movie-version of (but haven’t read before).
Super excited to begin this. Being a list kind-of-a gal, this challenge excites me. :) So far, I've only started on Little Women, which counts for #17...but we'll see what I can get accomplished throughout the rest of the year!!

Blessings and Love,
Georgie Grace


  1. EXCELLENT!! Am doing this. -W

  2. I tried this and totally failed! XD Maybe next year! XD

    1. I know!!!! I've found it surprisingly difficult to find qualifying books, though I've read like 15 so far... :S We'll see. ☺


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