It's December || Snow
Well folks, December is officially here...
...and even if Winter isn't until the 21st, it certainly feels like it now that the snow has arrived! There's nothing that says Winter quite like a blanket of fresh, untrod snow. I love the way it weighs down the branches of our pine trees, making a tent-like effect.
The snow on the trees seems to be melting a bit, though; when I went out to get pictures, it was all slush on the ground beneath them, and there was the continual dropping of small clumps of slush. Occasionally, a large bundle of snow dropped from a far-up bough to bough to bough and finally to the ground. It was quite beautiful, though I did have to shelter the two cameras a took outside with me. ☺
I hoped to get more pictures up, but I was only able to upload some from one of the cameras I took out with me. I will try to upload more from the other camera soon, and then I'll share. ☺
Blessings and Love,
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