Surrender + Satisfaction || The Truth About Losing + Losing It All

Surrender. To the world, it means defeat. Lost gains. The end. It means that despite all efforts on your part, despite all enthusiasm for your cause, despite all the sweat and blood given for the win, that you've come to the point where you have to decide this: IS IT WORTH STANDING FOR ANYMORE? And more than that, you've answered that question with a "No, it's not."

Up goes the white flag.

As usual, though, God's ways are totally 'upside-down' to the world's ways. And, as usual, Satan wants for us to accept the world's thoughts as absolute truth. I think the world's ways have carried over into the Christian life and thought, as well. (at least, it has for me). It goes something like this:

Surrender. The mere word causes a sinking feeling in the gut. Thoughts arise like, "If I follow Jesus, I'll have to give up ---" A sense of defeat steals over you, and you know that soon, laughter won't be a part of your lifestyle. It will be reading your Bible and praying and being led to a mission field in India someday.

Then there's a little glimpse of hope. "I'll think about it a little while longer," we say to ourselves. "I don't think I'm ready for that just yet." We sigh in relief.

It's this trail of thought that leads to feelings like "I want to enjoy life for a little longer, THEN I'll surrender my life to the LORD" + "I'm just not spiritual enough for that kind of commitment. MY WHOLE LIFE IS AT STAKE and my fun and enjoyment and everything!" We think we're going to LOSE something. GIVE UP something. Be defeated. {I wonder if this sort of mindset is what prompted P. P. Bliss to write the hymn "Almost Persuaded"?}

Then we go out into life trying to find satisfaction and happiness and we succeed (sometimes). But have you ever noticed that a sense of fulfillment is missing? That's because we don't understand what "surrender" means, really. We don't get the purpose of surrendering and what it means for us, because we don't understand what life is even about. Ah, we helpless humans! It's beginning to sound as if we don't really KNOW anything at all! It's hopeless!

Not quite. (not at all, actually)

Guys, believe the truth. While Satan's over there telling you (loudly) that you're going to lose something, God's been whispering something different the whole time. As said before, God's ways are 'upside-down' to the world's ways.

Funny thing is, it seems like both sides are saying the same things "You'll have to give this up." "You'll lose this." "This will be taken away from you." "You'll miss out on this." "Life won't be the same anymore." Stop a moment and see if you haven't felt this coming from both sides before?

The difference is the motive. Why would Satan be wanting to keep us from something? From what we know of him, it's probably because that something good will save us or be good for us. Hmm. What about God? His motivation is His glory and our good. Now why would God want us to be totally sold out for Him? Because He loves us and He's the best He can give us? Maybe.

God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh, how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control

Oh, You want me
Somehow you want me
The King of Heaven wants me
So this world has lost it's grip on me
(Control, Tenth Avenue North)

Once we realize that, we can also hear a difference--"Life won't be the same anymore" from the enemy results in fear, desperation, and opens our eyes to see only loss and dark unknowns. (in short, it has us saying, "Oh, no!") Whereas "Life won't be the same anymore" from God results in hope, a sense of freedom, and eyes open to His light and truth. Can't you just hear the wonder in God's voice as He invites you into an adventure with Him?

"I have one passion; it is He, He alone." -Count von Zinzendorf

Yes, you'll have things God calls you to 'give up'. Yes, sometimes it will be hard. But there is a purpose behind it all. It's what causes people who have let go of family and worldly possessions to say, "Pray for all my future. ...I want to serve God." (excerpt from Voice of the Martyrs magazine) And it probably isn't going to be in a way that you expect. Satan's lies tell you that you're going to be the loser, that God's going to take all this stuff away from you. The truth?

God doesn't take like a tyrant. He gives. He's already given everything. And if giving your very son up to death for the human race doesn't show the truest, most pure motive, I don't know what does.
God gives us the option of giving our shrivelly, sinful lives and hearts to Him so that He can fill us up with Something better. Greater. As a friend once told me, God's a gentleman. He doesn't go in where He's not wanted---shoving and pillaging as He goes. He knocks gently on the doors of our hearts and waits for us to invite Him in. His offer is always open. Here, take this instead.

So I've found that surrender? It's not so much about losing and white flags and living in a lonely dark pit somewhere (though there was a time I thought that's what it was). It's more of an invitation from God that allows me to go places with Him where I'd never been able to go before. It gives life permission to enter into purpose. There's a reason for the things God says "don't watch this" and "don't listen to that". And you know what? It's crazy the way surrender collides with satisfaction. ☺

"Suddenly life starts to have significance. My thirst for reality in life is assuaged, and I discover that I have found that satisfaction in my Master." -W. Philip Keller, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23

I'm not saying it's always been easy. Fact is, it hasn't been. And fact is, I still fail at it sometimes. Maybe you feel the same way? Here's for your heart: God can take it. ☺ He's equal to every doubt, question, and failure. And He'll pull you up, even if you've fallen for the 7th or 70th time today.

What about you? How have you viewed surrender before?
What truths has God been speaking to you lately?

Blessings & Love,
Georgie Grace


  1. Beautifully expressed and so very true! <3

  2. I enjoyed reading this so much! Surrender is a lesson God keeps bringing back to me again and again - it's a constant part of the the true Christian life, I'm realizing. This sentence was particularly powerful: It's crazy the way surrender collides with satisfaction. Thanks for sharing this beautiful lesson! xx

    1. Thank you for brightening my day with your comment, Jessica! It's true; so often I want there to be some 'Plan C' that mixes my plan with the joy and peace found only in Christ; then I get frustrated wondering where the fulfillment is? But yes, God's been teaching me something entirely different. ☺
      Thank you again for your comment! All glory to God; He deserves it all. ♥


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