Thanking God In This || The Whisper That Casts Out Fear

Have you ever been in a situation where you couldn't feel God near? Where everything around you seemed so bad that you wished it were over, and life could get 'back to normal' or 'good' again?

Consider this: in Exodus, the Israelites DID make it to the right side of the Red Sea, away from Egypt--where before they had been on the side where the host of Pharoah's army was at their backs. But before they made it to the other side, they did have to pass through the waters. Yes, on dry land; but through the waters nonetheless. On their right and on their left and-

Do you ever feel like you're walking through the midst of a sea? Only maybe you're more like Peter, atop the waves—those waves which whisper lies and catch around you, begging your gaze from your Jesus?

When we are IN situations such as these, it is VERY EASY to wish we were through them. To turn off all our senses from it: hug ourselves, lest we feel it; close our eyes lest we see it; stop our ears, lest the noise of the storm gets too loud; close our mouths, lest the salty spray touch our tongues; stop our noses, lest in even breathing we should lose our balance and sink. Yes, I think we even let our hearts stop beating for a moment, numbed, lest pain's icy fingers grip and flex and play with it as they please.

Truth is, we're afraid. Afraid of the storm, afraid of the pain, afraid of stumbling—of sinning again, afraid lest our pursuing enemies' footsteps overtake us.


“God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7

What is the opposite of a sound mind? Confusion. What is the opposite of love? Distance. What is the opposite of power? Weakness. Find yourself confused and weak? Does God feel distant? Try and trace those feelings back to their source, and you may discover a little bit of fear, fear that wrecks the truth.

Imagine living lives without this fear. Over and over in God's Word do we hear, “DO NOT BE AFRAID.” Peter even heard Jesus say this—“It is I, do not be afraid.”

The Bible says that 'perfect love casts out fear'. And I've found that fear can't stand in the Presence of Love. The Bible also says that God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. When we find ourselves doubting these promises, or doubting our God's goodness, we need to return to His Word—for the truth.

Consider not going through life wishing that all waters would part and the hard things would just go away, and that you'd be at the other side of it all.

Instead, try looking for Jesus in it. Listen for the “It is I, do not be afraid.” Because sometimes it's the whispers that cast out the fears.

And we can't embrace others if we're busy holding ourselves, or see our Savior's sweet face or hear His voice if we close our eyes and ears to all else. We cannot speak words of life to others if our mouths are closed; nor can we experience the healing, sustenance, and life Jesus offers if we close our hearts off to the pain.

For me, God did tell me that I needed to look for Jesus IN everything. It used to be I would look at a deadline or work or a situation or circumstance and think, “That is too big. Too big for me to handle,” then be overwhelmed. But God taught me to say, rather, this: “That is Jesus.” Because, isn't it? It's another opportunity for me to find Jesus, and for Him to show up big. For Him to prove Himself faithful AGAIN. And for Him to redeem it—for my good and for His glory.

So let go, breathe in, and thank Him IN's drawing you closer to Him.

Blessings and Love,
Georgie Grace

“If not you then who? If not this then what? If not now then when? If not here then where?” -Jack Phan

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possible broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.” -C. S. Lewis


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