Thanking God For This || A Dare to Look Anew

When we hear the rain, we're not really listening to IT, are we? Aren't we listening to the impact it has on other things?—when it pounds on the windows, when it slips from the gutters and meets the ground below, when it slams into pavement or sidewalk, or when it tinkers on tin roofs. We say we're hearing the rain, but really we're hearing its impact. Same with the wind when it moves through the trees, like the heartbeat of the leaves, making them lift and sigh.

And same with us sometimes, isn't it? When 'good' things (easy things) happen, and we feel at the height of contentment, we see God's hand as turned in our favor. Then when we get 'our share' of difficulties or hard or 'bad' things, it's just another thing to 'get through'. Stick it out. It'll get better. We're just looking at the impact, though....not at the Hand behind it all. If we took the time to step back and consider what we know about God, what would we find?

God does everything for our good.
God is the best father ever, and only gives good gifts.
God cannot lie.
God loves us always, unconditionally, eternally, sacrificially, jealously, and nothing can separate us from His love.

And what do you know about yourself, His child?

As a child of God, all His promises are yes and amen.
As a child of God, your Father will work all things for your good.
As a child of God, you receive His perfect gifts and His perfect love.

“Good is not always God's will, but God's will is always good.” -Watchman Nee

Even if it doesn't feel, look, sound, or seem good, we can know that God is good. Always. And He's the same yesterday and today and forever.

Isaiah 49:16 says, “Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” One of the first times I noticed this verse, it really encouraged me. For the times we feel stuck, trapped, or overwhelmed, our walls are continually before Him. God knows the size and contents of our closets better than we do, and they're before Him CONTINUALLY. The Hebrew word for wall used in this verse means 'a wall of protection'. It is also the same word that is used throughout the Bible to describe the walls of cities and, wait for it...the word used in Exodus 14 to describe the waters that were on either side of Israel as they passed through the dry land of the Red Sea. What hope here is found! God has not forgotten you! He sees the whole painting where we only see the beginning strokes, and who knows whether these difficult times, tragedies, struggles—whatever your four walls are—are not there for your protection?

Try thanking God FOR this, whatever THIS is for you, and ask Him to reveal Himself through it. It's amazing what a change of perspective will do, like a skylight above your four walls.

So here's a dare—a dare to change your perspective, to hope...
a dare to look anew.

Blessings and Love,
Georgie Grace

for continued pursuit and study: Job 2:10; Zephaniah 3:17; Matthew 7:11; Romans 8:28, 38-39; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Philippians 4:11; Titus 1:2 Hebrews 13:8; 1 John 3:1
