B E A U T Y || Sorry, No Wrap-up

I found an article I had written almost three years ago, and I think I needed to hear it again. Maybe you do, too?

Beauty has many definitions.

By the world's standards, beauty is measured by outward appearance—a smooth complexion and the latest hair and clothing styles. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines beauty as “qualities that give pleasure to the senses or exalt the mind”. So, basically, the world's standards equal exalting and pleasing yourself.

God has a much different standard by which to measure beauty. He looks at the heart. To Him, a beautiful heart means one that is pure and true and full of love. One that is filled with His Son. So God's standard equals exalting and pleasing Him—when you have a beautiful heart, it shines through and shows Jesus to all around.

True beauty starts in your heart. When you have a beautiful heart, you show it through your words and your actions. Matthew 12:34b says, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Even if you aren't beautiful by the world's standards, you will be looked upon by all as beautiful because all people will be able to see is your beautiful heart shining through!

Notice also that the world has many standards of measuring beauty, and they seem to always change: Latest hair style. Newest clothing fashion. Spotless skin. Best jewelry.

God has one standard of beauty, and it always stays the same: A pure heart. It's a lot less complicated and a lot more God-honoring. You don't have to deal with fitting into the crowd so that you can be noticed and complimented. You're going to be noticed if you do things God's way, anyway! The only difference is that choosing God's “beautiful” is fulfilling and truly beautiful.

The perfect example of beauty is found in 1 Samuel 16. God had rejected Saul from being king and was now sending the prophet Samuel to go and anoint a king from among the sons of a man named Jesse. As he was going through the line of sons, Samuel looked for the world's standards of beauty. When he found it in Eliab, he assumed that this must be the chosen of God. But since God looks at hearts, He wanted the man after His own heart—David.

1 Samuel 16:6-7 says, “When they came, he looked on Eliab and thought, 'Surely the LORD's anointed is before him.' But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.'”

Contrasting the world's standards and God's standard of beauty simply comes down to one thing: Will you choose to glorify God, or will you glorify yourself?

I'm listening to "What A Beautiful Name" by Hillsong while typing up this post. Care to listen?

Sorry there wasn't any wrap-up post last month; it would appear that when life gets busiest, you don't get a chance to write about it. :) To fill you in, I've busied myself with several big musical things (yesterday, a friend and I practiced and videoed piano and violin for nearly 4 hours in prep for a performance; violin lessons & another performance--1840-50s themed; and playing piano for church occasionally) and lots of writing (editing a newsletter, editing a friend's book, keeping up (sort-of) with blogging, and then letters & emails & the like ☺). Then, of course, little photo shoots every now and again. ☺

And now I shall end this post. Thanks to the beautiful little girl who let me take her Cinderella photos. ♥

Blessings & Love,
Georgie Grace


  1. This is so good! You are beautiful, inside and out.
    Love you always,Sis #1

  2. This was really good! You did a great job, as always! Thank you for sharing! I love the pictures! <3 Keep up the great work! <3
    <3, Me

  3. Awwww, this is so encouraging! <3<3<3 This post is lovely! Just like you<3

    1. Thank you so so much! You made my day with your comment. Love you! ♥


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