Little One | An Original

Little one, do not forget
The love you shared, the time you spent
Inside your old sweet childhood room
Your fun and games dispelling gloom.
The sister giggles and dollhouse toys,
Innocent laughter of childish joys.
The bunk beds turned to mazes and tents,
The simplest things gave the most content.
The windows that opened to show darkened skies.
The radio played favorite lullabies.
The loving hands that tucked you in,
The chattering mouths 'til sleep would win.
Little one, do not forget.

Little one, do not forget,
The love you shared, the time you spent
Around the table of dining room,
The middle graced by garden bloom.
Squeezing in tight next to sister or brother,
Father at one end, at other end Mother.
The chitter and chatter of mouths somewhat full
With so many people, words never would lull:
Catching up from the day, from our work and our play
Linger at table, none would soon pull away.
Little one, do not forget.

Little one, do not forget,
The love you shared, the time you spent
Out in the wild, open space
Of country living, slower pace.
Free to run, and free to roam
Walk a mile and still see home
Play beneath the shade of tree
Lose track of time for an hour or three.
'Til twilight settled and in you were called,
Walking so slow so that bedtime be stalled.
Little one, do not forget.

Little one, do not forget,
The love you shared, the time you spent
Within the Holy Word of God
While on this narrow path we trod
Light for the way, truth for the heart
From Christ's sure steps do not depart.
True before, and true remain
Words of promise still sustain.
Little one, do not forget.


  1. I love this so much! It takes me back to your childhood and is a prayer for the childhood of your younger brothers and sisters. Well done, dear one! I love you!

    1. Thank you, YES! Thank you for all you've done to make it our reality. <3 Love you, too!


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